Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How much chocolate is TOO much chocolate?

Ok so last night was interesting. I "attempted"to make tilapia with some veggies.
I guess this is a good time to mention that I suck royally at cooking. If it was possible to screw up boiling water, I'm sure I'd find a way to do it. I must have asked Lance at least 10 times "is it done yet? How can I tell if it's done?" he's very patient with me, well most of the time.
I must say it turned out pretty fantastic!
For dessert I read somewhere that dark chocolate and bananas help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. So I melted a bunch of choclate and dipped the bananans in it
However, lance was a little upset because I melted and ate a half a bag of chocolate. He told me from now on he will be "monitoring" my intake of sweets.

I just found my Jillian Michaels work out that I brought from target a while back. I never tried it but from what I hear, she knows how to get you and KEEP you in shape. Plus the workouts are only 20 minutes long!
Now that's my kind of workout!

I'm freaking starving right now and only had a banana for breakfast. It's way better than what I was having for breakfast before which was nothing
Baby step,people. Slow and steady wins the race or however that analogy goes.
Anyways, im off to make some fish and veggies and then Going
To spend sometime with my new friend Jillian....


  1. Get your digital camera out and in the habit of picture taking. We want to see that fish and the chocolate! A picture of you too!
    Also, how big was the bag of chocolate? You don't need lance to monitor your sweets - You can do it! You just need a little time and faith in yourself.

  2. http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2006/06/how_to_get_traf.html


    also find a blog directory and submit yours - search for diet blogs or hip moms or whatever

  3. I totally know where you are coming from. I have an addiction to carbs. I lost almost 40 lbs. once by cutting most of the carbs out of my diet. ie. sweets, rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. I know, it's brutal, but it's worth it. I also did yoga everyday. I used Namaste Yoga on FitTV. They play it at least 3 times a day and it's only 30 min. long (minus commercials). I gained alittle weigh back, so I have about 15 lbs. to lose again. We can do it together! Just take it one day at a time. OH! and read "Naturally Thin" by Bethanny Frankel. That book will totally change your outlook on dieting. Love you and good luck!
    ~Veronica (your BFF)

  4. Thank you!
    Love you more than this fat chick loves cake
