Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I want to PUNCH Jillian Michaels in her FACE!

This woman is nuts....or maybe I really AM that out of shape...20 minutes of pure hell, plus a 5 minute warm-up which I THOUGHT was the workout.

Good Lord! What in Gods name has happened to me over the last 5 years. If you would have seen me at 22 years old, most people couldn't keep up with me! I figured being a massage therapist, my Job is pretty physically demanding. At one point I thought that was exercise enough, but my body is so used to it now that I guess its not real exercise anymore. I need help with Portion control as well. My dads side of the family is all from Colombia so chicken with Beans and rice is pretty much your side dish at dinner.

On my moms side of the family, they were Irish, and boy did I LOVE my grandmas meatloaf, and spaghetti and Corned beef, and cranberry sauce that she would let me have my own can to myself anytime she made it!

Portion control was NEVER in my vocabulary, I'm not sure how I can break a bad habit.....
here's a more recent pic of me and my boys :)
one of the days someone asked me when I was "due"....I looked so cute in my maternity top! ::rolls eyes::

Oh and here are two pics of my Pre-baby days....Can you see why I pray to baby Jesus every night for a miracle....

New years eve, 2004,

 23  & drunk here, note the:" I'm too sexy
  for my short skorts" look...                             


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What's up, homegirl? I forgot to mention another book I read that was fantastic. It's called "I Can Make You Thin" by Paul Mckenna. It also comes with a Free Hynosis CD. You listen to it before bed and it brainwashes you into being thin. LOL No seriously, it is really helpful. I downloaded it onto my i-pizzle and fell asleep to it every night. It really helps with the portion control issue. (I have the same problem.) My logic: "But it tastes so damn good, I have to have more!".....Yummy food is the devil. ;) P.S. Holy hot pants, Batman!

  3. Go to the library and check these books out! That'll make lance happy :)

  4. I had these cupcakes recently and they are delish (and I'm pretty picky...)!
    They are vegan. You can experiment with low-fat coconut milk and show up the results!
    The ones I ate didn't have the strawberryness - the person just baked the cupcake and frosted it. <3

  5. Kris, ahhh! They look, and SOUND amazing! I'm making those cupcakes today after Lunch. I'm going to make them with Ayden, this should be interesting....for both of us! .

    Veronica, I will be downloading that ASAP! and you nearly gave me a heart attack of Joy when you said it actually makes you thin! haha....only I would fall for that!
