Sunday, September 12, 2010

Enzyme diet = FAIL

Well, that was fun! NOT!
OH my God I lasted on that diet for a day and half and thought I was going to rip someones head off! I'd like to thank Nina for the idea and I actually did lose 1 and a half pounds but having 5 crackers and a cup of cottage cheese for lunch, made me literally want to cry....and I think I did a little.
I got some great advice from someone at my job that said a diet should be a regular thing you do every day, doing these crash diets are no good, and why eat something that's not appealing to you? whats the point.
And she's absolutely correct. I did weight watchers many moons ago and lost quite a bit of weight but stopped b/c I couldn't afford the $40 a month for the meetings.
My oh-so-wonderful-Love-of-my-life, Lance told me that he would be more than willing to do the plan with me.
(even though I weigh more than him, and he's taller than I am, ::sigh::)
he made some AMAZING guacamole dip yesterday for me that was to die for. He loves cooking and thank God he does cause the Good Lord did not bless me with that talent.

I start weight watchers tomorrow and I'm very excited. The wii fit is going great, doing a little bit every day and I'm really enjoying the Yoga part of it. I need to find a new Yoga studio out here where I live because the one I used to go to is now about a half hour away. ANNNNNNDDDD....I'm very serious about wanting to do some belly dancing classes. I found some around here that are free to the public!...Now just have to find the time to do it!
recipe for Lance's Fabulous Guacamole dip.

3 avocados
1/4 cup of lime juice
1/2 cup of chopped/minced tomatoes
1 teaspoon parsley
1 "dash" of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 packet of sugar
1 tablespoon of Garlic Powder

cut up the avocados and add ingredients above
mix, chop, smash up until desired texture
and Voila!

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