Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You want me to eat what?....

Well, Mother nature came for her monthly visit this last week and boy did it knock me on my booty!
However, I did make sure not to give into the chocolate fudge cake and sitting in my kitchen for the boys.
I finally started the enzyme diet and I'm on day 2. So far so good, haven't cheated but it does suck. I'm hoping the next day and a half go by VERY quickly. It has given me an opportunity to try new foods.
For example, Beets! any time I think of beets I think of Doug Funnie and Patti Mayo. (God I use to love that show!)
I would gag even thinking about beets but surprisingly enough, it was actually good! Messy, but Good!
Today for lunch I can only have cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers...(bleeeckkk)
Never had cottage cheese so we shall see how this goes.
I did find a new Tea that I absolutely fell in love with called YOGI.
Its an organic tea and it is sooooo yummy! Ive been enjoying the Green Tea a lot.
The box is super cute and has little yoga tips on the side! My fav thing are the little inspirational quotes on the tea bag itself.

I've been walking almost every chance I get and its been such a nice stress reliever. I actually look forward to doing it. I also dusted off the Wii Fit I bought about 6 months ago and its actually pretty flippin intense! especially the hula hoop one! Woooo!!!


  1. You've never had cottage cheese? Haha wow. Glad you are still working on the diet. you should come over for a wiifit day!
