Thursday, September 2, 2010


So a friend of mine sent me this 3 day enzyme diet that is supposed to help boost your metabolism and help you with start of your weight loss.She informed me that it was not going to be exactly what I would call FUN, but it does work and its a good start to weight loss. I did some research and it seems to be legit. I know that enzymes are good for your body but what I DIDN'T know is how little our bodies actually get all the enzymes we need. We end up killing them when we cook our food over a certain degree. I also learned its important to eat SOME raw foods and make sure you're getting enough enzymes in your diet. Apparently it makes a world of difference.
I was going to start the Diet today but its my day off, and I planned on going out to Lunch with my best buddy. The diet calls for lunch to be a tablespoon of peanut butter and some cauliflower....Not sure where we could go where that would be on the menu.
I think we might stick to some guiltless pleasure.

Another thing I'll be trying shortly after the 3 days of enzyme diet hell, is the 21 day Plan by Jamba Juice.
My lovely and adorable Son, brought me an awesome book written by the founder of Jamaba Juice, Kirk Perron, and it goes into depth about having a healthier lifestyle, with not just fruits but with all the other food groups involved. I've only read a little bit of the book and I already looking forward to trying this out and it doesnt hurt that i'm an absolute Jamba Juice Junkie!

Now onto my least exciting part of the day, my exercise plan:
Way back when, I used to go to the gym and did Zumba classes and absolutely loved it!
But now with this damn thing called a "mortgage" I had to give up my gym membership for a while until things got settled with everything in the house. I did however buy the DVD's and am determined to eventually dust them off and start them. The problem with me is I get bored easily. At least with the classes every week was a different routine, these are the same moves over and over again. I'm a little nervous that ill want to give up to easily. However, I have a background in dancing and LOVE to do it. If i could dance all day long, I probably would. I dance with Ellen D. any morning when I get a chance to watch her show. I love that lady, I mean honestly how could you not want to just run up to her and give her the biggest hug!

Oh! and here's the recipe for the "super enzyme diet"
anyone else who does this let me know how it goes for you!
Ta-Ta for now!..

Super Enzyme Diet
Lose 10 lbs. in 3 days

*Make sure to drink plenty of water!

DAY 1:
half grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 tablespoons peanut butter
DAY 2:
1 egg, 1 slice of toast, half of banana
DAY 3:
5 saltine crackers, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 small apple

DAY 1:
½ cup tuna, 1 slice toast, coffee or tea
DAY 2:
1 cup cottage cheese, 5 saltine crackers
DAY 3:
1 hard boiled egg, a slice of toast

DAY 1:
2 slices of any type of meat (3 oz.)
1 cup string beans
1 cup beats
1 small apple
1 cup vanilla icecream

2 hot dogs, 1 cup broccoli, half-cup carrots,
half of a banana, half-cup vanilla ice cream

DAY 3:
1 cup tuna, 1 cup beets,
1 cup cauliflower, half of a banana
half cup of vanilla ice cream