Well, that was fun! NOT!
OH my God I lasted on that diet for a day and half and thought I was going to rip someones head off! I'd like to thank Nina for the idea and I actually did lose 1 and a half pounds but having 5 crackers and a cup of cottage cheese for lunch, made me literally want to cry....and I think I did a little.
I got some great advice from someone at my job that said a diet should be a regular thing you do every day, doing these crash diets are no good, and why eat something that's not appealing to you? whats the point.
And she's absolutely correct. I did weight watchers many moons ago and lost quite a bit of weight but stopped b/c I couldn't afford the $40 a month for the meetings.
My oh-so-wonderful-Love-of-my-life, Lance told me that he would be more than willing to do the plan with me.
(even though I weigh more than him, and he's taller than I am, ::sigh::)
he made some AMAZING guacamole dip yesterday for me that was to die for. He loves cooking and thank God he does cause the Good Lord did not bless me with that talent.
I start weight watchers tomorrow and I'm very excited. The wii fit is going great, doing a little bit every day and I'm really enjoying the Yoga part of it. I need to find a new Yoga studio out here where I live because the one I used to go to is now about a half hour away. ANNNNNNDDDD....I'm very serious about wanting to do some belly dancing classes. I found some around here that are free to the public!...Now just have to find the time to do it!
recipe for Lance's Fabulous Guacamole dip.
3 avocados
1/4 cup of lime juice
1/2 cup of chopped/minced tomatoes
1 teaspoon parsley
1 "dash" of salt
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 packet of sugar
1 tablespoon of Garlic Powder
cut up the avocados and add ingredients above
mix, chop, smash up until desired texture
and Voila!
....and A-WEIGH we go!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
You want me to eat what?....
Well, Mother nature came for her monthly visit this last week and boy did it knock me on my booty!
However, I did make sure not to give into the chocolate fudge cake and sitting in my kitchen for the boys.
I finally started the enzyme diet and I'm on day 2. So far so good, haven't cheated but it does suck. I'm hoping the next day and a half go by VERY quickly. It has given me an opportunity to try new foods.
For example, Beets! any time I think of beets I think of Doug Funnie and Patti Mayo. (God I use to love that show!)
I would gag even thinking about beets but surprisingly enough, it was actually good! Messy, but Good!
Today for lunch I can only have cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers...(bleeeckkk)
Never had cottage cheese so we shall see how this goes.
I did find a new Tea that I absolutely fell in love with called YOGI.
Its an organic tea and it is sooooo yummy! Ive been enjoying the Green Tea a lot.
The box is super cute and has little yoga tips on the side! My fav thing are the little inspirational quotes on the tea bag itself.
I've been walking almost every chance I get and its been such a nice stress reliever. I actually look forward to doing it. I also dusted off the Wii Fit I bought about 6 months ago and its actually pretty flippin intense! especially the hula hoop one! Woooo!!!
However, I did make sure not to give into the chocolate fudge cake and sitting in my kitchen for the boys.
I finally started the enzyme diet and I'm on day 2. So far so good, haven't cheated but it does suck. I'm hoping the next day and a half go by VERY quickly. It has given me an opportunity to try new foods.
For example, Beets! any time I think of beets I think of Doug Funnie and Patti Mayo. (God I use to love that show!)
I would gag even thinking about beets but surprisingly enough, it was actually good! Messy, but Good!
Today for lunch I can only have cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers...(bleeeckkk)
Never had cottage cheese so we shall see how this goes.
I did find a new Tea that I absolutely fell in love with called YOGI.
Its an organic tea and it is sooooo yummy! Ive been enjoying the Green Tea a lot.
The box is super cute and has little yoga tips on the side! My fav thing are the little inspirational quotes on the tea bag itself.
I've been walking almost every chance I get and its been such a nice stress reliever. I actually look forward to doing it. I also dusted off the Wii Fit I bought about 6 months ago and its actually pretty flippin intense! especially the hula hoop one! Woooo!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Cupcakes and Mohawks
Well the cupcakes were a success! With the small exception of a minor "Mommy breakdown" during the frosting process. They were absolutely delicious and there was something about them that didn't make me feel like I was being a fat ass. Tomorrow starts the ENZYME DIET! BEWARE TO ALL THOSE WHO CROSS MY PATH FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA.......

My son has been Begging me for a Mohawk FOREVER so considering that he's such a good kid and is the light of my life and that I can never say no to him, I finally gave in yesterday....and I am soooooo Glad I did!!! Audra did an amazing job on his hair and he look so cool and, trust me, he knows it.
Aydens Homework last night ( and yes they have homework in VPK) was to make dinner and then bring the recipe today to share with the kids. The teacher knows Ayden is Colombian so asked me to bring in a Spanish food recipe and if I could write it IN Spanish. This homework ended up being homework for ME more than Ayden. I haven't written in Spanish since probably high school so I may or may have not used the Spanish translator on my IPhone for some of the words in the recipe :)
Lance has been fantastic about buying food and cooking everything to make sure its good for me. He's a big fruit junkie so that helps me out a lot because he could sit down with an entire half of a watermelon and eat the whole thing. Its been a nice bonding experience where we can sit down and eat it together (awwwww!!!)....
I did walk last night about 2 1/2 miles around the neighborhood. We just moved here so it was kinda cool to see what was around and noticed a lot of other people walking and riding their bikes around the same time I was. It was actually motivating to see all these people and the coolest thing was is every single one I passed either smiled, said hello or waved. It was kind of refreshing to see that! Even the crazy lazy with her leg warmers, two sweat bands, head band, Bret Michaels hair-do from the 80's, running like her life depended on it, made eye contact and practically out of breath said "NICE NIGHT!:" ....and that it was....I smiled all the way home :)
I'll be keeping you all posted! until then....here's the recipe for the cupcakes....ENJOY!
http://www.redvelvetstefanie. com/2010/08/yummy-vegan- cupcakes-from-chef-chloe/
My son has been Begging me for a Mohawk FOREVER so considering that he's such a good kid and is the light of my life and that I can never say no to him, I finally gave in yesterday....and I am soooooo Glad I did!!! Audra did an amazing job on his hair and he look so cool and, trust me, he knows it.
Aydens Homework last night ( and yes they have homework in VPK) was to make dinner and then bring the recipe today to share with the kids. The teacher knows Ayden is Colombian so asked me to bring in a Spanish food recipe and if I could write it IN Spanish. This homework ended up being homework for ME more than Ayden. I haven't written in Spanish since probably high school so I may or may have not used the Spanish translator on my IPhone for some of the words in the recipe :)
Lance has been fantastic about buying food and cooking everything to make sure its good for me. He's a big fruit junkie so that helps me out a lot because he could sit down with an entire half of a watermelon and eat the whole thing. Its been a nice bonding experience where we can sit down and eat it together (awwwww!!!)....
I did walk last night about 2 1/2 miles around the neighborhood. We just moved here so it was kinda cool to see what was around and noticed a lot of other people walking and riding their bikes around the same time I was. It was actually motivating to see all these people and the coolest thing was is every single one I passed either smiled, said hello or waved. It was kind of refreshing to see that! Even the crazy lazy with her leg warmers, two sweat bands, head band, Bret Michaels hair-do from the 80's, running like her life depended on it, made eye contact and practically out of breath said "NICE NIGHT!:" ....and that it was....I smiled all the way home :)
I'll be keeping you all posted! until then....here's the recipe for the cupcakes....ENJOY!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
So a friend of mine sent me this 3 day enzyme diet that is supposed to help boost your metabolism and help you with start of your weight loss.She informed me that it was not going to be exactly what I would call FUN, but it does work and its a good start to weight loss. I did some research and it seems to be legit. I know that enzymes are good for your body but what I DIDN'T know is how little our bodies actually get all the enzymes we need. We end up killing them when we cook our food over a certain degree. I also learned its important to eat SOME raw foods and make sure you're getting enough enzymes in your diet. Apparently it makes a world of difference.
I was going to start the Diet today but its my day off, and I planned on going out to Lunch with my best buddy. The diet calls for lunch to be a tablespoon of peanut butter and some cauliflower....Not sure where we could go where that would be on the menu.
I think we might stick to some sushi....my guiltless pleasure.
Another thing I'll be trying shortly after the 3 days of enzyme diet hell, is the 21 day Plan by Jamba Juice.
My lovely and adorable Son, brought me an awesome book written by the founder of Jamaba Juice, Kirk Perron, and it goes into depth about having a healthier lifestyle, with not just fruits but with all the other food groups involved. I've only read a little bit of the book and I already looking forward to trying this out and it doesnt hurt that i'm an absolute Jamba Juice Junkie!
Now onto my least exciting part of the day, my exercise plan:
Way back when, I used to go to the gym and did Zumba classes and absolutely loved it!
But now with this damn thing called a "mortgage" I had to give up my gym membership for a while until things got settled with everything in the house. I did however buy the DVD's and am determined to eventually dust them off and start them. The problem with me is I get bored easily. At least with the classes every week was a different routine, these are the same moves over and over again. I'm a little nervous that ill want to give up to easily. However, I have a background in dancing and LOVE to do it. If i could dance all day long, I probably would. I dance with Ellen D. any morning when I get a chance to watch her show. I love that lady, I mean honestly how could you not want to just run up to her and give her the biggest hug!
Oh! and here's the recipe for the "super enzyme diet"
anyone else who does this let me know how it goes for you!
Ta-Ta for now!..
Super Enzyme Diet
Lose 10 lbs. in 3 days
*Make sure to drink plenty of water!
DAY 1:
half grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 tablespoons peanut butter
DAY 2:
1 egg, 1 slice of toast, half of banana
DAY 3:
5 saltine crackers, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 small apple
DAY 1:
½ cup tuna, 1 slice toast, coffee or tea
DAY 2:
1 cup cottage cheese, 5 saltine crackers
DAY 3:
1 hard boiled egg, a slice of toast
DAY 1:
2 slices of any type of meat (3 oz.)
1 cup string beans
1 cup beats
1 small apple
1 cup vanilla icecream
2 hot dogs, 1 cup broccoli, half-cup carrots,
half of a banana, half-cup vanilla ice cream
DAY 3:
1 cup tuna, 1 cup beets,
1 cup cauliflower, half of a banana
half cup of vanilla ice cream
I was going to start the Diet today but its my day off, and I planned on going out to Lunch with my best buddy. The diet calls for lunch to be a tablespoon of peanut butter and some cauliflower....Not sure where we could go where that would be on the menu.
I think we might stick to some sushi....my guiltless pleasure.
Another thing I'll be trying shortly after the 3 days of enzyme diet hell, is the 21 day Plan by Jamba Juice.
My lovely and adorable Son, brought me an awesome book written by the founder of Jamaba Juice, Kirk Perron, and it goes into depth about having a healthier lifestyle, with not just fruits but with all the other food groups involved. I've only read a little bit of the book and I already looking forward to trying this out and it doesnt hurt that i'm an absolute Jamba Juice Junkie!
Now onto my least exciting part of the day, my exercise plan:
Way back when, I used to go to the gym and did Zumba classes and absolutely loved it!
But now with this damn thing called a "mortgage" I had to give up my gym membership for a while until things got settled with everything in the house. I did however buy the DVD's and am determined to eventually dust them off and start them. The problem with me is I get bored easily. At least with the classes every week was a different routine, these are the same moves over and over again. I'm a little nervous that ill want to give up to easily. However, I have a background in dancing and LOVE to do it. If i could dance all day long, I probably would. I dance with Ellen D. any morning when I get a chance to watch her show. I love that lady, I mean honestly how could you not want to just run up to her and give her the biggest hug!
Oh! and here's the recipe for the "super enzyme diet"
anyone else who does this let me know how it goes for you!
Ta-Ta for now!..
Super Enzyme Diet
Lose 10 lbs. in 3 days
*Make sure to drink plenty of water!
DAY 1:
half grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 tablespoons peanut butter
DAY 2:
1 egg, 1 slice of toast, half of banana
DAY 3:
5 saltine crackers, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 1 small apple
DAY 1:
½ cup tuna, 1 slice toast, coffee or tea
DAY 2:
1 cup cottage cheese, 5 saltine crackers
DAY 3:
1 hard boiled egg, a slice of toast
DAY 1:
2 slices of any type of meat (3 oz.)
1 cup string beans
1 cup beats
1 small apple
1 cup vanilla icecream
2 hot dogs, 1 cup broccoli, half-cup carrots,
half of a banana, half-cup vanilla ice cream
DAY 3:
1 cup tuna, 1 cup beets,
1 cup cauliflower, half of a banana
half cup of vanilla ice cream
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I want to PUNCH Jillian Michaels in her FACE!
This woman is nuts....or maybe I really AM that out of shape...20 minutes of pure hell, plus a 5 minute warm-up which I THOUGHT was the workout.
Good Lord! What in Gods name has happened to me over the last 5 years. If you would have seen me at 22 years old, most people couldn't keep up with me! I figured being a massage therapist, my Job is pretty physically demanding. At one point I thought that was exercise enough, but my body is so used to it now that I guess its not real exercise anymore. I need help with Portion control as well. My dads side of the family is all from Colombia so chicken with Beans and rice is pretty much your side dish at dinner.
On my moms side of the family, they were Irish, and boy did I LOVE my grandmas meatloaf, and spaghetti and Corned beef, and cranberry sauce that she would let me have my own can to myself anytime she made it!
Portion control was NEVER in my vocabulary, I'm not sure how I can break a bad habit.....
here's a more recent pic of me and my boys :)
one of the days someone asked me when I was "due"....I looked so cute in my maternity top! ::rolls eyes:: |
Oh and here are two pics of my Pre-baby days....Can you see why I pray to baby Jesus every night for a miracle....
New years eve, 2004, |
23 & drunk here, note the:" I' | m too sexy | for my short skorts" look... |
How much chocolate is TOO much chocolate?
Ok so last night was interesting. I "attempted"to make tilapia with some veggies.
I guess this is a good time to mention that I suck royally at cooking. If it was possible to screw up boiling water, I'm sure I'd find a way to do it. I must have asked Lance at least 10 times "is it done yet? How can I tell if it's done?" he's very patient with me, well most of the time.
I must say it turned out pretty fantastic!
For dessert I read somewhere that dark chocolate and bananas help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. So I melted a bunch of choclate and dipped the bananans in it
However, lance was a little upset because I melted and ate a half a bag of chocolate. He told me from now on he will be "monitoring" my intake of sweets.
I just found my Jillian Michaels work out that I brought from target a while back. I never tried it but from what I hear, she knows how to get you and KEEP you in shape. Plus the workouts are only 20 minutes long!
Now that's my kind of workout!
I'm freaking starving right now and only had a banana for breakfast. It's way better than what I was having for breakfast before which was nothing
Baby step,people. Slow and steady wins the race or however that analogy goes.
Anyways, im off to make some fish and veggies and then Going
To spend sometime with my new friend Jillian....
I guess this is a good time to mention that I suck royally at cooking. If it was possible to screw up boiling water, I'm sure I'd find a way to do it. I must have asked Lance at least 10 times "is it done yet? How can I tell if it's done?" he's very patient with me, well most of the time.
I must say it turned out pretty fantastic!
For dessert I read somewhere that dark chocolate and bananas help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. So I melted a bunch of choclate and dipped the bananans in it
However, lance was a little upset because I melted and ate a half a bag of chocolate. He told me from now on he will be "monitoring" my intake of sweets.
I just found my Jillian Michaels work out that I brought from target a while back. I never tried it but from what I hear, she knows how to get you and KEEP you in shape. Plus the workouts are only 20 minutes long!
Now that's my kind of workout!
I'm freaking starving right now and only had a banana for breakfast. It's way better than what I was having for breakfast before which was nothing
Baby step,people. Slow and steady wins the race or however that analogy goes.
Anyways, im off to make some fish and veggies and then Going
To spend sometime with my new friend Jillian....
Monday, August 30, 2010
well. that was fun!
Ok, So lets start off with the basics.
My name is Cassie, Just turned 29. I have a son, who is my whole world. We just moved into a beautiful home with my boyfriend Lance. I'm a massage therapist and actually really love my job. Great friends. Amazing yet, crazy family. No major regrets with anything I've done in my life (with the exception of a few ex-boyfriends).
Life is Good...
except the fact that I'm a good 30 pounds overweight and at 5'3, that's not exactly healthy.
I can no longer use the excuse that its "baby fat" because my "baby" will be 5 years old next month..
I'm not going to sit here and blame my weight gain on a bad childhood, or a neglecting boyfriend or a crappy job because none of that is true.
My family is awesome, supportive, and most of them are in great shape!. (bastards)
My friends are wonderful, funny, like sisters (most look like they just walked off the cover of a surfing magazine.)
My boyfriend is amazing. Stepped into this relationship when my son had just turned 2 years old and has loved me and said I'm sexy with my curves. He has trouble putting ON weight. He can't seem to gain anything and barely has to work out in order to keep his "figure"
so maybe I'm a little bit Jealous of the fact that most people around me are in pretty much fantastic shape.
I wasn't always like this though. Before my son, I was in great shape. 115-120 pounds...maybe 125 was the biggest I EVER was, and I blamed that weight on my boobs.
I was in theater, Dancing and singing since I was about 5 years old and I NEVER had to watch what I ate. If I had to go out somewhere and wanted a new outfit, I could walk right into GUESS at the mall and walk out in 20 minutes. Anything I put on looked good. I never had to wonder if I looked fat in it. Now, I can't even think about buying clothes. The thought makes me want to throw up.
Anytime I see these pretty little, skinny, girls at the mall walk out with their size 2 jeans and extra small shirts, I secretly want to stick my foot out and trip them.
I know that's just my insecurites talking and me wanting to point the finger at everyone else about why I can't lose this weight.
the simple fact is that I'm a mom now, your body changes and I can't eat 461486717 cookies at 1:00 in the morning with a big glass of milk like I used to.
I'm finally letting go and ok with the fact I'll never be a size 3-5 again. I just want to be healthy, lose 30 pounds so People don't ask me "awww....whens' the baby due!"
yes. Its happened twice. and I just smile and say "I'm about 4 months. Thanks!"
and then go cry a river in my car..
I'm hoping that this blog will motivate me to get off my lazy ass and do a little bit of exercise and eat healthier. anyone who wants to offer advice,.recipes, motivation. anything would be awesome.
So lets start with Day one:
I woke up this morning with a hell of headache, possibly could have been the 3 beers I had last night (but hey they were bud LIGHT!)
there was no sign of Advil in the house. ughhhhh...
so I had to go to publix and I had a Brilliant Idea that I would walk there! Now when we drive there by car, it doesnt seem far at ALL....I thought "pff....I can do this"
Seriously. WTF was I thinking.....I got half way there and I thought my legs were going to fall out. and Hello! I live in Florida. Walking OUTSIDE feels like your walking INTO a sauna.
I finally made it to publix, grabbed my advil, water and some Brussel Sprouts.
Then I wanted to cry cause I realized I had to walk BACK.
I listened to a bunch of "Glee" songs, especially "Like a prayer" because it was gonna be a miracle if I made this walk back without having a heart attack.
But I did and it did feel good. I'm wondering how i'm going to feel later though.
And I'm sure the Pain will set in tonight when my first client arrives and says ":Yea sooo i'm looking for a deep tissue massage, I heard you do two hour massages?"
yup....story of my life.
Until tomorrow boys and girls
My name is Cassie, Just turned 29. I have a son, who is my whole world. We just moved into a beautiful home with my boyfriend Lance. I'm a massage therapist and actually really love my job. Great friends. Amazing yet, crazy family. No major regrets with anything I've done in my life (with the exception of a few ex-boyfriends).
Life is Good...
except the fact that I'm a good 30 pounds overweight and at 5'3, that's not exactly healthy.
I can no longer use the excuse that its "baby fat" because my "baby" will be 5 years old next month..
I'm not going to sit here and blame my weight gain on a bad childhood, or a neglecting boyfriend or a crappy job because none of that is true.
My family is awesome, supportive, and most of them are in great shape!. (bastards)
My friends are wonderful, funny, like sisters (most look like they just walked off the cover of a surfing magazine.)
My boyfriend is amazing. Stepped into this relationship when my son had just turned 2 years old and has loved me and said I'm sexy with my curves. He has trouble putting ON weight. He can't seem to gain anything and barely has to work out in order to keep his "figure"
so maybe I'm a little bit Jealous of the fact that most people around me are in pretty much fantastic shape.
I wasn't always like this though. Before my son, I was in great shape. 115-120 pounds...maybe 125 was the biggest I EVER was, and I blamed that weight on my boobs.
I was in theater, Dancing and singing since I was about 5 years old and I NEVER had to watch what I ate. If I had to go out somewhere and wanted a new outfit, I could walk right into GUESS at the mall and walk out in 20 minutes. Anything I put on looked good. I never had to wonder if I looked fat in it. Now, I can't even think about buying clothes. The thought makes me want to throw up.
Anytime I see these pretty little, skinny, girls at the mall walk out with their size 2 jeans and extra small shirts, I secretly want to stick my foot out and trip them.
I know that's just my insecurites talking and me wanting to point the finger at everyone else about why I can't lose this weight.
the simple fact is that I'm a mom now, your body changes and I can't eat 461486717 cookies at 1:00 in the morning with a big glass of milk like I used to.
I'm finally letting go and ok with the fact I'll never be a size 3-5 again. I just want to be healthy, lose 30 pounds so People don't ask me "awww....whens' the baby due!"
yes. Its happened twice. and I just smile and say "I'm about 4 months. Thanks!"
and then go cry a river in my car..
I'm hoping that this blog will motivate me to get off my lazy ass and do a little bit of exercise and eat healthier. anyone who wants to offer advice,.recipes, motivation. anything would be awesome.
So lets start with Day one:
I woke up this morning with a hell of headache, possibly could have been the 3 beers I had last night (but hey they were bud LIGHT!)
there was no sign of Advil in the house. ughhhhh...
so I had to go to publix and I had a Brilliant Idea that I would walk there! Now when we drive there by car, it doesnt seem far at ALL....I thought "pff....I can do this"
Seriously. WTF was I thinking.....I got half way there and I thought my legs were going to fall out. and Hello! I live in Florida. Walking OUTSIDE feels like your walking INTO a sauna.
I finally made it to publix, grabbed my advil, water and some Brussel Sprouts.
Then I wanted to cry cause I realized I had to walk BACK.
I listened to a bunch of "Glee" songs, especially "Like a prayer" because it was gonna be a miracle if I made this walk back without having a heart attack.
But I did and it did feel good. I'm wondering how i'm going to feel later though.
And I'm sure the Pain will set in tonight when my first client arrives and says ":Yea sooo i'm looking for a deep tissue massage, I heard you do two hour massages?"
yup....story of my life.
Until tomorrow boys and girls
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